Witchcraft IX: Bitter Flesh is a 1997 horror film directed by Michael Paul Girard and starring Landon Hall, David Byrnes, and Julius Antonio. The film is the ninth in the Witchcraft series. The next film in the series was Witchcraft X: Mistress of the Craft.
The ghost of William Spanner (David Byrnes) searches for anyone who can communicate with him. He finds Sheila (Landon Hall), a woman who gained psychic powers after a car accident. Spanner needs to ward girlfriend Keli (Kourtine Ballentine) that the person she is living with is an impostor.
Meanwhile, Los Angeles Police Department detectives Lutz (Stephanie Beaton) and Garner (Mikul Robins) realizes they don't have an ordinary serial killer on its hands when they uncover a series of murders involving beautiful young women with bodies partially eaten. When a hooker is brought in telling tales of evil warlocks and witches, the police officers begin to suspect the killer is not just psychotic but supernatural hooded man.
Lutz, Garner, and Will-in-Sheila's-body converge on the apartment building as the hooded man and fake Will prepare to do something horrible to Keli.