Tin Can Man is an episode of the television series The Munsters. It was written by Norman Liebmann and Ed Haas adapted from a story by Robert Lewin and directed by Earl Bellamy. It first aired November 5, 1964.
Eddie fails to tell his parents that he is flunking science. Mr. Taggart, the school's juvenile investigator, would like to see him expelled. Eager to impress Principal Balding at the school science-fair, Eddie builds a life-size, fully-functioning robot.
Taggart checks out the Munster home to see Eddie's living environment. Marilyn convinces Balding to give Eddie another chance. Eddie's creation is sabotaged by Taggart and Grandpa tries to repair it in time. Eddie's name is called and Herman goes out on stage with the intention of stalling for time. The audience believes that Herman is the robot.