Tim, played by Kevin Connors, is a character in the film Phantasm III: Lord of the Dead.
Tim is an orphan because of the Tall Man. After his father's death, the Tall Man caused him to hill Tim's mother. Ever since, Tim has learned how to protect himself with booby traps and has a proficiency with various weapons, especially a revolver.
Tim defended his home from a trio of criminals named Rufus, Edna, and Henry. Afterwards he finds Reggie stuffed into his own car trunk, thanks to the three criminals.
Tim rescues Reggie and Rocky from a sphere after it kills Tanesha in a mausoleum. Later he helps to take down the Tall Man by trapping him in a freezer and destroying the sphere that emerges from him head in liquid nitrogen.
His fate is unknown as he was dragged out of a window at the end of Phantasm III and has not made another appearance since.