Tim Burton's The Nightmare Before Christmas: The Pumpkin King, is a platform game released in 2005 for the Game Boy Advance, based on the 1993 stop motion animated film The Nightmare Before Christmas. The game is a prequel to the film and tells of Jack's first encounter with Oogie Boogie, and how he claimed the title of "The Pumpkin King".
The Pumpkin King was released at the same time in North America as The Nightmare Before Christmas: Oogie's Revenge for PlayStation 2 and Xbox.
One year before the events of the film, Jack Skellington is preparing for Halloween. When Oogie Boogie hears from his henchmen Lock, Shock and Barrel that Jack is scarier than him, he sends them to kidnap Jack. They, however, bring Sally, a rag doll-like creature who is Dr. Finklestein's new assistant and has a crush on Jack.
On Halloween, Jack finds the town deserted and hears from the Mayor that everyone is hiding from a bug infestation. Lock, Shock and Barrel wreak havoc around the town. Along the way, Jack helps the townspeople and in return collects weapons, upgrades, and information. Jack learns of Oogie Boogie and that he lives under the treehouse on the edge of town.
Jack confronts Oogie and learns that he is behind the whole mess and wants to turn Halloween into Crawloween. Jack and Oogie battle to decide who will rule the town. Oogie claims he will win and turn Halloween Town into Bug Town. Jack defeats Oogie and orders him to fear him and not to leave the lair. Jack rescues Sally, meeting her for the first time, and Halloween goes ahead as planned. Oogie vows to get his revenge.