The Game of Jaws is a 1975 game produced by the Ideal Toy Company. The game is based on the blockbuster film of the same name. Today, the game is rare and is a valuable collector's item. Jaws features a plastic great white shark, as well as 13 junk pieces. The junks pieces are things like tires, human skulls, etc. The game was also released as "Sharky's Diner" many years later. Despite being based on the mature-oriented horror film, the game’s age rang was initially 6+, currently it was changed to 4+.
The players put all the junk pieces in the shark's mouth. The weight of the pieces keeps the mouth open. Using a gaff hook, each player then attempts to remove a junk piece from the shark's opened mouth. The first player to successfully remove four junk pieces wins. However, if a player takes a wrong move, the shark's mouth will snap shut. If only two players are playing, the final player to successfully remove five junk pieces wins.