The Forest is a 2005 Cambodian monster thriller film directed by Heng Tola, the director of Khmer Blockbuster films, such as Gratefulness and Neang Neath. It was nominated for many awards in The Khmer national film festival but won for best special effects.
A group of young archaeologists go into the deep forest in Ratanakiri province to search for the old temple that was abandoned many years ago. As they go through the forest at first they arrive at a local village but when one female Archeologist has a vision that the group of archeologist are involved in the ambush she warns the others of her vision but they fail to listen later they are given a tour guide to help them find their way through the forest but when the tour guide dies of a mysterious snake tail whip the group The archeologists get lost and one archeologist (Asay) dies when he goes to urinate and falls into a pit of scorpion and after his death build a grave for him later they meet a group of robbers who want to find the treasure also while exploring the robbers use the archeologist as a map when one robber dies by falling in a pit of snakes and a snake going into his mouth and coming out of his heart There is no danger until they awaken a giant snake and many other monsters that existed there for hundreds of years because of a curse of a queen who was lost in the waterfalls while trying to evade traitors led by a treacherous commander who wanted her treasure.
The female that had the vision is choked to death by the large snake later another robber dies by the same fashion when the group is split into 3 groups one male archeologist is caught in vine vines in a grotesque fashion all his limbs fall off and are cut off as an arm is removed when a female wanted to help him out later a robber is eaten when the group meets up the robber leader accuses the archeologist male leader of causing the death of his men when the snake appears they build a raft and try to sail away but the snake catches up to them and the robber leader and an archeologist are strangled while the raft falls down a waterfall a female was stabbed by the bamboo through the stomach and dies while the last male dies a non greedy female lives at the end it says happiness stems from not being greedy.