The Descent Part 2 is a 2009 British adventure horror film and sequel to the 2005 horror film The Descent. It was directed by Jon Harris from a screenplay by James McCarthy, J Blakeson, and James Watkins. The film was produced by Christian Colson and Ivana MacKinnon; Neil Marshall, the writer and director of the original, was an executive producer. Shot in London and Surrey, it was released in cinemas in the UK on 2 December 2009 and was given a straight-to-DVD release on 27 April 2010 in the US.
Two days after the events of the first film, a traumatized and blood-covered Sarah escapes the cave system with no memory of what happened. She is taken to a hospital, where the doctor finds that some of the blood on her is of the same blood type as Juno, one of her missing friends. Sheriff Vaines and his deputy Rios bring along the amnesiac Sarah and three potholing cave specialists – Dan, Greg, and Cath – to find the missing women in the cave system. They are sent down via an old mine shaft operated by an old man, Ed.
The group discovers Rebecca's mutilated body near the entrance, causing Sarah to experience flashbacks of the events in the cave system before her escape. Vaines believes that she was responsible for the other women's disappearances. While crawling through a tunnel, Sarah suddenly attacks Vaines and Greg before fleeing.
When the team splits up in search of her, Vaines accidentally discharges his pistol after a crawler scares him. As a result, part of the cavern collapses and traps Cath under a pile of rocks, separating her from the rest. They decide to find an alternate way around in order to try to free Cath and arrive in a room full of bones, finding Holly's damaged video camera among the debris. They watch the recordings and realize the missing women had been attacked by the crawlers. Sarah, hiding nearby, overhears the recording and regains her memories. A panicked Rios starts calling for help, alerting the crawlers to her location. Sarah saves her by covering her mouth, as the crawlers are blind and they hunt by relying on sound. The two of them watch and wait as a crawler kills Dan and drags his body away.
Meanwhile, Cath squeezes her way out and kills a crawler by crushing it under the rocks. She runs into Greg; they escape from another crawler and find Samantha's body dangling from the ceiling across a chasm. They decide to use her body to swing across the chasm, but are attacked by crawlers again. Greg sacrifices himself to buy time for Cath. Although Cath gets to the other side of the chasm, she attracts a crawler when she breaks down and screams Greg's name, and is killed.
Elsewhere, Vaines is attacked by a crawler but is saved by Juno, who is revealed to be still alive and adept at fighting the crawlers. Sarah and Rios kill a crawler in a pool. They soon meet Vaines and Juno, and are shocked to see Juno alive. Juno is furious that Sarah left her to die after stabbing her leg with a pickaxe. Juno almost kills her before Rios lies that Sarah brought them to find her voluntarily. Juno then leads them to a feeding pit, which she claims has a passage to the surface that the crawlers use to gather food from above ground. Vaines handcuffs Sarah to himself so that she will not abandon them as she did to Juno. When he falls over a ledge, he almost drags Sarah down with him. As crawlers approach them, Juno orders Rios to cut off Vaines's hand to save Sarah. Despite his protests, she does so, causing Vaines and the crawlers, now latched onto him, to fall to their deaths.
Sarah, Juno, and Rios reach the exit, where they are blocked by a group of crawlers led by their large leader. They try to sneak past but Greg, who is dying from his injuries, appears and grabs Juno's leg in a last effort to save himself. She screams and attracts the crawlers. Greg dies and the women are left to fight once again. After all of the crawlers are killed, Sarah tries to rescue Juno from the leader, but it slashes Juno's stomach, mortally wounding her. Sarah then kills it before Juno dies in her arms. When more crawlers arrive, Sarah draws their attention to herself by screaming, giving Rios a chance to escape.
Rios escapes from the cave and tries to call for help. However, she is knocked unconscious with a shovel by Ed, who drags her back to the cave entrance and leaves her there. As Rios slowly regains consciousness, a blood-covered crawler emerges from the cave with its arms outstretched.