The Dead of Night: The Ghost Stories of Oliver Onions is a posthumous collection of stories written by Oliver Onions. It was published in 2010.
- The Beckoning Fair One
- Phantas
- Rooum
- Benlian
- The Ascending Dream
- The Honey in the Wall
- The Rosewood Door
- The Accident
- Io
- The Painted Face
- The Out-Sister
- "John Gladwin Says ..."
- Hic Jacet
- The Rocker
- Dear Dryad
- The Real People
- The Cigarette Case
- The Rope in the Rafters
- Resurrection in Bronze
- The Woman in the Way
- The Smile of Karen
- The Ether-Hogs
- The Mortal
- The Master of the House
- Tragic Casements