Stuart "Stu" Macher, played by Matthew Lillard is a Woodsboro teenager, the boyfriend of Tatum Riley and best friend of Billy Loomis. Following a series of murders in the town, starting with the killing of Stu's ex-girlfriend Casey Becker, school is suspended. Stu hosts a party at his house to celebrate. At the party, Ghostface murders Tatum. Billy is revealed to be Ghostface, and Stu his accomplice. Stu cites peer pressure as his motivation. Stu tries to kill Sidney Prescott, but she drops a television on his head, electrocuting him.
Matthew Lillard has an uncredited cameo at a sorority party in Scream 2. He revealed in a 2009 interview that Stu was originally intended to be the killer in Scream 3, having survived his apparent death. From prison he was to orchestrate new Ghostface attacks on high school students, ultimately targeting Sidney. Following the Columbine High School massacre, which took place shortly before production began, this plot was abandoned and the script was rewritten without Stu to avoid presenting violence and murder in a high school setting. Many of Lillard's notable and humorous lines in the film were improvised. He was cast by chance, after accompanying his girlfriend at the time to a separate audition in the facility where Scream auditions were also taking place. Scream casting director Lisa Beach saw Lillard and, believing he had the characteristics required of the character, asked him to audition.
Victims Edit[]
- Maureen Prescott - Stabbed in groin/chest twice/head by Ghostface
- Steven Orth - Bound to chair, gagged with tape, gutted with knife by Ghostface
- Kenny Jones - Throat slit with knife by Ghostface