Sparrow or Wróbel is a 2010 Polish-British slasher horror film, directed by Shaun Troke, written by Matthew Mosley and Justin Di Febo, and produced by independent filmmaker Wojciech Stuchlik. The film stars Jack W. Carter, Alexis Jayne Defoe, Eric Kolelas, Sarah Linda, Thomas James Longley and Faye Sewell.
Sparrow was shot in Poland on a budget of just £20,000, with a primarily British cast. The film premiered in October 2010, and was shown at the American Film Market in November 2011. Sparrow was released on DVD in the U.S in 2013.
Six teenage friends, set off on a camping trip in the forest. However ‘Camp Happy Dreams’ turns out to be ‘Camp Nightmare’, as legend states it’s the site of a presumed historic murder. The teenagers' disbelief in this urban legend is soon changed when strange happenings begin to occur to each of them.