On the distant world of Terra, an advanced civilization went too far. They began to control nature and, in response, giant monsters began to strike back. Rampaging across the world, the beasts forced most of the race to seek a new home elsewhere, but two females stayed behind. With their watchdog-like kaiju Guiron, the two Terrans survived. However, they were attacked almost daily by the world’s kaiju, most notably Terra’s version of the dreaded Gyaos.
The winged, bat-like creatures attacked repeatedly, but Guiron was always unleashed. The knife-headed brute was released upon one of the things and reflected its beam back at it, cutting off its leg. Taking flight and attempting to outflank the giant, the Space Gyaos met a gruesome end when Guiron leaped into the air and cut its wing off! The flying monster was massacred by Guiron’s blade, its head cut off and body sliced to bits. However, while this specimen of Space Gyaos was slain, several more still patrolled the skies.