Sid the Dummy, voiced by Tom Wyner, is a character in the television series Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
Sid is a demon hunter, imprisoned in the body of a ventriloquist's dummy, who appears in the Season One episode "The Puppet Show". When a girl, Emily Djiemanowicz, is found dead with her heart removed, Buffy Summers suspects that the culprit may be Sid, the seemingly living accessory of a student participating as a ventriloquist in the upcoming talent show. Buffy confronts Sid, who explains his past to the Scooby Gang; he was once a human demon hunter cursed into this form by a group of demons, the Brotherhood of Seven. However, as Sid's original body died long ago, Sid explains to Buffy that he will die when his curse is broken, but he has nonetheless accepted it, having already outlived most demon hunters. Having tracked the final member of the Brotherhood, who was responsible for the murder of Emily, Sid stabs the heart of the demon and kills it. Freed from his curse, Sid dies.
Sid returns as a playable character in the non-canon video game Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Chaos Bleeds. He is introduced in the opening of the Cemetery level, and tells Buffy where the newly resurrected Kakistos had gone. He appears again soon after Buffy, Willow Rosenberg, Xander Harris, Faith Lehane, and Spike are transported to The First Evil's home dimension. He explains that he had met The First years ago and "royally pissed him off". After his curse was broken in "The Puppet Show", the First stole his soul and placed it in a duplicate dummy body. He tells the Scooby Gang the legend of Cassandra Rayne (Ethan's ancestor, a warrior for the Powers That Be) and Hope's Dagger, the only weapon capable of harming The First. He aids them in retrieving Cassandra's eyes from Sunnydale Hospital, and stays with Ethan Rayne, unwillingly dragged along for the ride by Buffy, while the Scoobies fought The First's minions and retrieved Cassandra's body parts. After The First was defeated, he disappeared into thin air, apparently dying at long last.
Humorously, Sid is initially portrayed as the stereotypical "horny dummy" act when the Scoobies believe him to be a simple dummy, only for Buffy to find out later that it is not an act. While relating his history to the stunned Scoobies (shocked at watching a dummy talk), he describes a sexual history he had in the 1930s with a Korean Slayer, even going so far as drifting out of the conversation and into the memory, later snapping out of it and saying "I'm back." He also unsuccessfully tries to seduce Buffy, and repeatedly flirts with both Buffy and Willow.