Rudy, played by Ryan Lambert, is a fictional character in the 1987 film The Monster Squad.
Rudy first appears outside the school when Horace is being bullied by E. J.. After defending Horace, Rudy is invited into The Monster Squad where he is given a "monster test" by Sean Crenshaw, Patrick Rhodes, and Horace. He passes and is allowed in.
Before long, it's discovered that Count Dracula, Frankenstein's Monster, the Mummy, the Wolf Man, and the Creature from the Black Lagoon are all real and in their hometown. Rudy steals silverware and melts it down to make silver bullets in shop class. He then steal a bow and arrows from archery.
He is responsible for taking out the Mummy by tying its wrappings to an arrow and shooting it into a tree as the Jeep they're riding in speeds away, unraveling the mummy.
He kills the Brides of Dracula one by one as well. After multiple attempts to kill the Wolf Man, and after several cops are killed, Rudy manages to shoot him with one of his silver bullets killing him. Remarking to Sean "Only one way to kill a werewolf."