Rack, played by Jeff Kober, is a character in the television series Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
Rack is a warlock who appears in three episodes of Season Six: "Wrecked", "Villains" and "Two to Go". In "Wrecked", Amy Madison talks Willow Rosenberg into paying Rack a visit after having exhausted all their own magical energy. Rack's lair is cloaked, being undetectable to all but demons and magic users. After the pleasantries, it becomes increasingly clear that Rack is the mystical equivalent of a drug dealer; Willow and Amy spend several hours with Rack, "high" on magic. Willow's addiction to magic becomes more severe, and she returns to Rack's apartment the next night with Dawn Summers in tow. When Buffy Summers mentions Rack to Spike, he immediately recognizes the name and is alarmed to learn Willow and Dawn are in Rack's company. After being chased by a demon (a side effect of Rack's spell) and causing an injury to Dawn's arm in a car accident, Willow renounces her use of magic and severs her contact with Rack and Amy. Rack appears again in "Villains" when Warren Mears, who is being hunted by Willow, pays Rack for protection magic. Willow subsequently kills Rack.
Rack appears in the Season Nine miniseries Willow: Wonderland on a mission to restore magic to Earth. In another dimension, Willow allies herself with Marrak, an Earth warlock with a growing interest in dark magic. Eventually, Willow determines that Marrak is Rack, who has been trapped in the dimension since her assault on him. Rack had intended to use Willow's good side and his dark side to create enough magic to go back and rule Earth. During a magical duel with Willow, she refuses to give in to her dark side despite his taunts. Rack is absorbed by The Embodiment of Magic and his final fate remains unknown.