Plaga Zombie: American Invasion is a 2021 Argentine horror comedy film. It was directed by Garry Medeiros, Pablo Parés, Hernán Sáez and was written by Medeiros, Matthew G. Hill, and Corey Spencer.
The story takes place 20 years after the events of the original trilogy. The aliens reappear in New England where they introduce a new virus in New Bedford, Massachusetts to create another zombie outbreak. In order to stop the virus from spreading to the rest of the country, the U.S. government decides to "detach the city at its faultline", separating it from the continental United States, and setting New Bedford adrift into the Atlantic Ocean. four new heroes - Nash Walker (Corey Spencer), Sam Samson (Matthew Hill), and Manny Distefano (Ben Tolosa) and a mercenary for hire Kobra Guevara (Walter Rivero) - emerge during the initial hours of the outbreak. Like their Argentine counterparts, they too must battle a city overrun by zombies to defeat the alien invasion in addition to stopping the "floating city" before it collides with the Azores Islands.