Oscar Berlucchi, played by Drew Scheid, is a character in the 2018 film Halloween and briefly appears in Halloween Kills.
Oscar is Cameron Elam's best friend and a bit of a third wheel. He is disappointed when Cameron and Allyson Nelson decide to go to the dance together and want to coordinate costumes.
During the dance, he brings alcohol and he and Cameron get drunk. Cameron begins kissing another girl and Allyson angrilly leaves the dance. Oscar walks home with her and inappropriately tries to kiss her. She climbs a wrought iron fence, leaving him behind, regretting his decision. As the security lights in the backyard turn on, he sees Michael Myers, mistaking him for the homeowner. He apologizes and tells him he'll leave. The lights turn off again and when they turn back on, Michael is right in front of him. He slashes at him and Oscar runs. As Oscar attempts to climb the wrought iron fence, his cape gets caught and Michael pulls him down, causing the fence to impale Oscar through is chin.
His body is seen briefly at the beginning of Halloween Kills. His mother then spots his body laying on a gurney in Haddonfield Memorial Hosptial as a mob surges through searching for Michael.