Absolute Horror Wiki
Oliver Pike

Oliver Pike, played by Luke Perry, is a character in the 1992 film Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

Oliver Pike or often referred solely by his last name Pike is a friend and love interest of Buffy Summers. A hard-drinking and poverty-stricken slacker, he initially resents Buffy and her valley girl friends because of their snobbery. However, when Pike's friend Benny Jacks is turned into a vampire by a minion of Lothos, Pike and Buffy find themselves teaming up to take Lothos down, and an attraction forms between them.

Although the Buffy film is not canon and Pike is never seen or mentioned in the television series, he does make a number of appearances in the Dark Horse comic book series. These include The Origin limited series, in which he plays a role similar to that in the film. He also appears in the story Note from the Underground, in which he arrives in Sunnydale between Seasons Six and Seven to help Buffy defeat a fascist demon group, the Scourge.

Pike's relationship with Buffy is explored further in Scott Lobdell's and Fabian Nicieza's Year One-style run, which bridges the gap between The Origin and the television series. He and Buffy travel to Las Vegas, where Pike eventually realizes that their relationship endangers both of their lives, and breaks up with her. Pike's other literary appearances include the novel Sins of the Father; set during Season Three of the show, it involves Pike being chased to Sunnydale by a rock demon known as Grayhewn.
