Mr. Wing, played by Keye Luke, is a fictional character who was featured in Gremlins and Gremlins 2: The New Batch.
In Gremlins, Randall Peltzer stops by Mr. Wing's shop, hoping to find a suitable Christmas gift for his son, Billy. He also attempted to sell his homemade gadgets when he was distracted by a trilling song from somewhere in the shop. That's where he discovers a mogwai.
Rand offers to buy it but Mr. Wing outright refuses to sell it. Dejected, Rand leaves the shop, but is followed by Mr. Wing's grandson who sells it to him in secret.
After the chaos caused by the gremlins accidentally spawned from Gizmo, Mr. Wing finds the Peltzer home and takes Gizmo back to his shop.
In Gremlins 2, billionaire Daniel Clamp sends people to offer to buy Mr. Wing's shop; however, he refuses. But during the offer, Mr. Wing is sickly. Clamp merely waits until Mr. Wing dies of natural causes and bulldozes the old Wing store. Gizmo barely escapes the falling rubble when he's discovered by lab technicians Martin and Lewis.