Mr. Trick, played by K. Todd Freeman, is a character in the television series Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Mr. Trick is a vampire who came to Sunnydale to hunt down the Slayer Faith Lehane with his master Kakistos, but leaves him to die at Faith and Buffy's hands, dismissing the "revenge gig" as hopelessly old-fashioned. He is an innovator who enjoys comfort and the amenities of modern occidental life, and prefers not to get his hands dirty. Mr. Trick hosts "SlayerFest '98", assembling a group of human and demonic contestants to hunt down and kill Buffy and Faith. Afterwards, he begins serving Mayor Richard Wilkins III as the leader of his vampire minions. Trick hires Ethan Rayne as part of the plot to obtain the tribute that Wilkins requires to pay to the demon Lurconis, and later arranges a vampire "welcoming committee" when Spike returns to Sunnydale.
Acting as Wilkins' middle-man, and later as his personal hitman, proves to be his undoing. Trick leads a small team of vampires to personally eliminate Buffy and Faith. He injures Buffy and has her at his mercy, but as he gloats that he will now taste a Slayer's blood, he is staked through the back by Faith. Mr. Trick survives for a few seconds, long enough to comment that something did not feel right at all, before turning to dust. Hours later, Mr. Trick's position is filled by Faith herself.