Absolute Horror Wiki
Moloch the corruptor

Moloch the Corruptor, played by Michael Deak and voiced by Mark Deakins, is a character in the television series Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

Moloch is a demon who has been trapped in a book for centuries. Reading the book aloud could unleash him onto the world. Unexpectedly, however, the book was scanned onto the computer connected to the Internet. This turn of events freed Moloch, but did not provide him with a physical body.

Moloch managed to woo Willow Rosenberg by posing as a student Malcolm Black online. Meanwhile Moloch also corrupts David Kirby and Fritz Siegel into becoming his minions. When Willow begins to miss classes and her demeanor changes, Buffy Summers begins to suspect something strange is going on. When David sets Buffy up to be electrocuted in the showers, he warns her at the last second, saving her life. He tells Moloch he won't kill, so Moloch writes a suicide not on the computer for David and Fritz kills him. Moloch creates himself a mechanical body.

Once Malcolm offers Willow a place at his side during the new world order for bringing him into the world, Willow rejects him. He attempts to kill her for the rejection. Jenny Calendar, Rupert Giles, and Buffy attempt to bind him back into a book. The spell failed, instead, locking him into his robotic body. Buffy manages to trick him into punching a circuit breaker, causing his body circuits to short out, killing him.
