Mitch Dolgen, portrayed by Kirk Acevedo, is a character in the television series The Walking Dead.
Mitch is a member of Martinez's Camp who with his brother Pete is second-in-command after Martinez.
Mitch, like his brother, was in the army when the walker outbreak occurred; Mitch was a tank specialist, who said he left the army base in his tank. In "Dead Weight", while on a supply run with Pete and The Governor (then known as "Brian Heriot"), Mitch wants to raid another camp they encounter, but his brother disagrees.
After "Brian" kills Martinez and Pete, he enters Mitch's trailer at gunpoint, advises that he killed Pete and explains why, and convinces Mitch to follow his lead which Mitch, though resentful of "Brian" killing his brother, sees his point and accepts. Mitch participates in "Brian's" attack on the prison ("Too Far Gone"), operating a tank and destroying much of the prison. Daryl is able to reach the tank and drops a grenade down the barrel of the tank's main gun, forcing Mitch to escape before the grenade blows up the tank.
Mitch turns around, exhausted and defeated, and Daryl Dixon shoots and kills him with his crossbow.