Love Comes to Mockingbird Heights is an episode of the television series The Munsters. It was written by Joe Connelly and Bob Mosher and directed by Joseph Pevney. It first aired April 22, 1965.
The Munsters receive $180,000 in gold doubloons from Uncle Gilbert in Transylvania. They decide to deposit the treasure in the bank. Alan Benson, from the bank, arrives to pick up the money. Alan and Marilyn are instantly attracted to each other and start dating.
Grandpa receives a mysterious call claiming that Alan plans to elope with Marilyn and that he is only interested in Uncle Gilbert's money. Grandpa wants to use a spell on Marilyn to transport her away so they can confront Alan. But everybody except Herman end up in a motel in Kansas City. When Alan arrives, he is frightened off by Herman. Marilyn is disappointed, but Uncle Gilbert arrives to cheer the family up.