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Lily Chambler

Lilly Chambler, portrayed by Audrey Marie Anderson, is a character in the television series The Walking Dead.

Lilly is David's daughter, Meghan's mother, and Tara's sister. She is initially somewhat hostile towards The Governor ("Brian Heriot") and reluctantly allows him to take refuge in her family's building.

She slowly comes to trust him, especially after he risks going to a walker-overrun assisted living facility to retrieve oxygen tanks for David, who is suffering from stage-4 lung cancer and will soon die (which she knows will be especially devastating to Meghan). When "Brian" kills the reanimated David, Lilly appears to be upset for a brief while, but soon comes to terms with what happened. After David's burial, the four of them depart in search of other shelter.

They spend the night sleeping in a catering truck, and Lilly and "Brian" lay awake talking to each other. Slowly, they then begin to have sex. When the truck fails to start, the group abandons it and wanders on the road, until a swarm of walkers forces them to flee. They arrive at an open field, only to be stopped once again, when "Brian" and Meghan fall into a pitfall trap containing several walkers, all of which "Brian" kills before they can do any harm. Lilly and her family join Martinez's Camp.

She is initially against The Governor's attacking the prison, but he assures her that she and Meghan will be safe. She and her daughter are left near a river; however, Meghan is bitten by a walker and dies. Lilly brings Meghan's corpse to the prison, where she witnesses The Governor decapitate Hershel and shoot Meghan in the head. After the battle ends, a bitter Lilly walks up to the dying Governor and shoots him in the head.

Tara later mentions to Glenn that she witnessed Lilly become overwhelmed by walkers following the assault on the prison. She was eaten by walkers
