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Larry blaisdell

Larry Blaisdell, played by Larry Bagby III, is a character in the television series Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

Larry is a student at Sunnydale High who appears in Seasons Two and Three. He is initially portrayed as a stereotypical jock, first seen bullying Xander Harris in the episode "Halloween". He is also rather lecherous, constantly harassing girls, including Buffy Summers and Willow Rosenberg.

In "Phases", Xander presses Larry to confess to a series of werewolf attacks, saying that he has been through something similar himself (when he was possessed by a hyena spirit in "The Pack"). Larry misunderstands Xander's indirect language as meaning that Xander, like himself, is a closeted homosexual. This misunderstanding is echoed in most subsequent conversations between them, and also leads to Larry's own coming out and the revelation of his more caring and compassionate side. He and Xander also become friends, but the latter is uncomfortable when Larry talks about Xander's sexual orientation.

In the alternate universe created in "The Wish", Larry is one of Rupert Giles' "white hats", along with Oz and a girl named Nancy.

In the Season Three finale "Graduation Day, Part Two", he is seen in the front line of battle against the Mayor Richard Wilkins III of Sunnydale, who has morphed into the gigantic demon Olvikan. He is last seen being thrown to the ground by a swipe of the Mayor's tail. His death is confirmed in the Season Six episode "Smashed", when Willow informs Amy Madison that Larry will not be taking her to the prom because "Larry's gay, Larry's dead, and high school's kinda over."
