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Kakistos (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)

Kakistos, played by Jeremy Roberts, is a character in the television series Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

Kakistos, whose name is said in the series to be Ancient Greek for "the worst of the worst" (in actuality, the word means simply "worst"), is, like the Master, a vampire so ancient that he can no longer assume human appearance; his hands and feet have become cloven hooves. He is famous enough that Rupert Giles recognizes his name even though Buffy Summers misrecalls it as "Kissing Toast" or "Taquitos" on first hearing. He had assembled a small cult of fanatically-loyal minions, whose motto was "For Kakistos we live, for Kakistos you die."

In the Season Three episode "Faith, Hope & Trick", Kakistos traveled to Sunnydale to hunt down Faith Lehane and enact revenge for a previous battle in which Faith's first Watcher was killed and Kakistos lost an eye. Faith had come to Sunnydale hoping to avoid him. Buffy staked Kakistos to no avail, but Faith impaled the vampire with a large beam of wood, finally killing him. However, unlike the Master, who was so ancient and powerful that he left behind a skeleton when he died, Kakistos simply turned to dust.

In the video game Chaos Bleeds, Faith is forced to confront an alternate universe version of Kakistos in an abandoned quarry. The novel Go Ask Malice describes Faith's earliest encounters with him.

Kakistos also appears in the Angel graphic novel series "Blood and Trenches", set during World War I.
