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Jeanette, portrayed by Sherry Richards, is a character in the television series The Walking Dead.

Jeanette is a newcomer to the prison community who was brought there along with the other remaining residents of Woodbury. Carol Peletier brings her with the other sick residents of the community to Cell Block A to be quarantined. Jeanette insists that she is not sick and her allergies are only acting up, but Carol does not believe her and makes her enter anyway. She is probably treated when Daryl's group returns with medicine.

Jeanette is among the prison inhabitants who escape the prison on the bus when The Governor attacks the compound. As of "Too Far Gone", Jeanette is the only named Woodbury character who is confirmed alive. Quite possibly, Jeanette died on the bus after the attack walkers.

However, when Maggie Greene, Sasha Williams and Bob Stookey come across the bus, Jeanette is not seen as a walker or corpse.
