Herman the Rookie is an episode of the television series The Munsters. It was written by Richard Conway, Joe Connelly and Bob Mosher and directed by Richard Conway. It first aired April 8, 1965.
Leo Durocher, third base coach of the Los Angeles Dodgers, needs a power hitter for his team. He gets conked on the head by one of Herman's line drives from eight blocks away. After finding out who hit the ball, Durocher goes in person to visit Herman and asks him to try out for the team.
Obviously, Herman is excited about the offer. However, the dream ends when the other players start to refuse to play with Herman. Many of them got hurt because of the way Herman prevents a man from stealing a base or how hard he throws the ball. The team just couldn't afford all the damage he would do. The family comfort Herman and tell him how much they need him.