Grandpa is a fictional character in the CBS sitcom The Munsters, originally played by Al Lewis. The doting, irritable, and sarcastic father of Lily Munster, Grandpa is an undead vampire. The role was later played by Howard Morton in the 1980s television series The Munsters Today.
The character's full name is given as "Sam Dracula, Count of Transylvania". A running gag in both the original series and follow up The Munsters Today is his extreme age - his car, the DRAG-U-LA bearing his gravestone - reading "born 1367–?". Grandpa talks of having personally known various figures throughout history, including Nero, King Arthur, Richard the Lionheart and Jack the Ripper. Grandpa declares his age as 378 years in the episode "Grandpa's Lost Wife" (airdate: February 3, 1966), placing his date of birth in the year 1588. In The Munsters Today episode "Its My Party and I'll Die if I Want To" (airdate: October 2, 1991) Grandpa celebrates his 402nd birthday. The family uses a time machine and brings back significant people from his life, including his friend Genghis Khan, brother Yorga (played by Sandy Baron who played Grandpa in the 1995 TV movie The Munsters' Scary Little Christmas), a former girlfriend "Shirley Zlebnik", and his overbearing Mother (played by actress Ruth Buzzi).
In the episode "Munster Masquerade", Grandpa describes having been married "167 times", and although his wives are "all dead", he still keeps "in touch with them". Grandpa's wife, Lily's Mother, makes an emotional appearance in The Munsters Today series in 1990, in the episode "Once In a Blue Moon" (airdate: September 18, 1990). She also appears in a photograph in the original series which was taken during Herman and Lily's wedding.
Grandpa's identity as Count Dracula is also alluded to in both the original series and The Munsters Today. In the 1965 episode "The Musician", Mr. Gateman refers to him as "Count Dracula" when he comes to dinner. In "The Fregosi Emerald", Grandpa refers to himself as Count Dracula to an operator in Transylvania. He is also referred to "The Count" various times in The Munsters Today, most notably in the season one episode "Farewell Grandpa" when the family find out he isn't an American citizen, with the threat of being deported back to Transylvania by the US Government. In the episode "Happy 100th Anniversary" Lilly Munster notes her maiden name as "Dracula." Throughout The Munsters Today series Grandpa is referred to as 'Vladimir Dracula'. In popular culture the character is often colloquially referred to as "Grandpa Munster", although this is incorrect as Munster was not his surname.