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Glory (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)

Glory is a fictional character in the television series Buffy the Vampire Slayer portrayed by Clare Kramer. Glory is a god from a hell dimension and was the main antagonist of the fifth season.

Glorificus (also known as "Glory") is a god from a hell dimension in which she ruled alongside two other deities. Her power and dominion were vast and continued to grow stronger and stronger, as did her lust for misery and destruction, and she quickly became the most powerful of the three hell gods. Fearful that Glorificus would seize total control of the dimension for herself, the two Gods allied together and went to war against her. The hell gods barely defeated her, but, despite their victory, she was too powerful to destroy, so they banished her into the earthly dimension, where her essence would be imprisoned in a human child named Ben, created solely to "contain" her until he eventually died as a mortal, sealing her.

Glory was too powerful to be completely contained within the human vessel. When Ben reached his 20s, Glory began to gain control over Ben for short periods of time, taking the form of a vain, self-centered human female possessing superhuman strength, speed, and invulnerability. Glory's strength was greater than that of any Slayer, vampire, or demon on Earth, although her powers were greatly diminished compared with those she had in her true form. Dark magicks prevent humans from learning that Glory and Ben are the same; even when she transforms right in front of someone, they instantly forget what they saw. The spell does not affect supernatural creatures like vampires and demons. This becomes a recurring joke in the penultimate episode of Season Five, where Spike finds himself repeatedly having to explain that Ben and Glory are the same people, only for people to either misunderstand him or to forget instantly. As Ben and Glory's personalities begin to merge more and more (see below), the magic weakens until, in the finale, the whole gang can see through it. This human form is Glory's only weakness; if the human vessel containing her is killed, then Glory perishes with him.

Glory's goal is to find the Key, a "mystical energy nexus," which is the only way for her to return to her original dimension. Unfortunately, using the Key will break down the barriers between all dimensions, causing all worlds to bleed into each other and allowing "Hell to reign on Earth." The Key was safeguarded by an ancient group of monks known as The Order of Dagon. When they discovered "The Beast" (Glory) searched for the Key, they chose to hide it. Using ancient magic, they transformed the Key into a human girl. They placed her under the protection of the Slayer Buffy, altering the memories of the Slayer and anyone connected to her into believing the girl was Buffy's younger sister Dawn. Glory eventually destroyed the Order of Dagon. The last monk of the order was taken prisoner and interrogated by Glory and later rescued by Buffy. Before the monk died from his wounds, he revealed to Glory (under torture) that the Key had been transformed, but not what the Key had become. After being rescued by Buffy, the monk revealed to Buffy that Dawn was the Key, something she already suspected.

Glory was also opposed by a military order known as the "Knights of Byzantium," composed of knights and clerics. They swore to prevent Glory from using the Key, and they attempted to kill Dawn before Glory could find her. In the episode "Spiral," a large group of knights besieges Buffy and Dawn, but Glory arrives and slaughters nearly all of them, taking the Key with her.

The Key

The Key is an ancient power, an ancient green mystical energy that, according to Glory, "is almost as old as she is." The Key needs to draw on powers from the dimension it's in before being used, which is why it can only be used at a certain time and a certain place. Who or what created the Key or how is unknown; even its true purpose is never fully revealed. The Key seems to work by destroying the barriers that separate one dimension from another. The longer the key is in use, the more the walls of reality begin to break down. When the key is activated, a small portal opens and begins to grow, in which demons, creatures, and entire dimensions begin immediately bleeding through.

Buffy's first confrontation with Glory came shortly after discovering there was something not right about Dawn. Buffy tried to go up against Glory and failed miserably. Glory beat Buffy severely, destroying an entire building in the process. The only thing Buffy did manage to do was escape during a temper tantrum by Glory, which caused the building to collapse, escaping with the last surviving monk who quickly revealed to her the truth about Dawn being the Key and Buffy as her protector.


Although Glory enters early on in Season 5, the Scooby Gang knows very little about her, only discovering her name from one of Glory's minions. Glory's god-like status, extreme power level, origins, key's true nature, and history are not known until later episodes. Glory comes to Sunnydale looking for "The Key," which will allow her to return to her own dimension. The Key would cause damage to all dimensions, including the dimension Buffy and her friends inhabit, though Glory seems to be unaware or unconcerned of this fact. Glory is not aware of what form the Key has taken, though she knows that Buffy, the Slayer, protects it. For her part, Buffy is not initially aware of the Key's nature either. It is eventually revealed that Buffy's "new sister," Dawn, is the Key, in human form.

She begins the quest to locate the Key, aided by a race of pale, black-eyed demons who are loyal to her almost to a fault, though she does not care for them and viciously abuses them, both verbally and physically, for even the slightest failures. Glory quickly establishes herself as one of Buffy's most dangerous and determined enemies. At one point, she confronts Buffy in her own home, openly threatening to kill Buffy's friends and family and force Buffy herself to watch her do so.

Glory is a god in a human body; the human mind can not control such power, which gradually turns Glory insane. To maintain her sanity and power, Glory feeds off humans' mental energies by a process that Buffy and her friends refer to as "brain-sucking." She inserts her fingers into the victim's head, absorbing the energies that bind the victim's mind. The humans that she "devours" in this way become incoherent and mentally unstable; those affected can also see Dawn in her true form. An inexplicable increase follows glory's arrival in Sunnydale in the number of people with a mental health condition. One of her unfortunate victims is Willow's girlfriend, Tara, who later inadvertently betrays Dawn to Glory. The Scoobies try to run, but Glory still manages to kidnap Dawn shortly afterward.

The Key can only be used at a certain time, and as that time draws near, the power that separates Glory from Ben dissolves. They still inhabit Ben's body separately, but their memories and personalities begin to blur together.

After recovering from a mental breakdown caused by Glory's kidnapping of Dawn, Buffy decides to attack Glory with everything she has: Willow's magic spell to restore Tara's sanity stolen by Glory, at the same time weakening Glory's mind; the Dagon Sphere (a weapon created by the monks that cause physical pain to Glory); Buffy's robot double (the "Buffybot") originally Spike's sex toy; Olaf, The Troll God's Hammer (with which Buffy can beat Glory in battle and severely weaken her albeit temporarily, due to the hammer being a weapon of the gods); and eventually a wrecking ball, commandeered by Xander. Glory is left defeated and significantly weakened, losing her hold on this reality and returning to the form and mind Ben. Buffy then tells Ben to tell Glory to leave Sunnydale and never return. As Buffy walks off, Giles knows that Glory will eventually regain her power and return to get her revenge on Buffy unless Ben is killed, so he smothers Ben to death with his bare hands, ensuring that Glory can never return. Meanwhile, Spike, Giles, and Anya attack her minions. The final spell that opens the rift between dimensions had already been started by one of Glory's disciples - Doc - by cutting Dawn with a knife and making her bleed (the act of which opens a portal to the other dimensions). After killing Doc, Buffy realizes that because the monks created Dawn from her essence, they share the same blood, which means not only Dawn's blood but her own can close the portal, but it would also require her to die (her blood must stop flowing for the gateway to close). After saying goodbye to her sister, Buffy jumps into the opening portal, instantly dying and closing the gateway.

Glory is also referred to as "Glorificus" by her minions and in most textual references, and occasionally as "The Beast" by the monks who created Dawn (although she has nothing to do with The Beast who appeared in Angel, the spin-off series of Buffy the Vampire Slayer).

After Glory's defeat, her final appearance in the series is at the end of the episode "Lessons," as an avatar of the First Evil along with most of the other major villains from the series.
