Family Portrait is an episode of the television series The Munsters. It was written by James Allardice and Tom Adair and directed by Lawrence Dobkin. It first aired December 17, 1964.
The Munsters are to be photographed by Event magazine, which has picked them as the "average American family." The prize includes $5,000 dollars, and in order to win the money the magazine must send two reporters to spend a couple days with the family. While there, the reporters are to write an article and take some pictures of the family.
Every member of the family must appear in the family portrait. Grandpa is offended by the word "average" and hides. Herman and Lily decide to go out and look for him. Meanwhile, Marilyn receives the two reporters in the house. One of them begins to flirt with Marilyn, while the other starts to feel scared. Herman and Lily return without success.
During the night, the reporters bump into Herman and Lily and run out of the house. The magazine director tells them to go back and get a picture. The Munsters family portrait appears on the cover of the magazine and says that here is the average family celebrating Halloween.