Eliza Morales, played by Maddie Lomax, is a character in the television series The Walking Dead.
Eliza, her father, referred to only as Morales, her mother Miranda and her brother, Louis are a family of Atlanta survivors. After the other survivors decide to go to the CDC with Rick Grimes, the Morales' decide to try their luck locating relatives in Birmingham, Alabama.
Their fate was unknown for many years until "The Damned", when Rick encounters Morales in a Savior outpost where he has become a Savior. Morales reveals that his family never reached Birmingham, and that he went insane after losing his wife and children before joining the Saviors.
During the standoff between Rick and Morales in "Monsters", Morales is killed by Daryl Dixon with a crossbow bolt to the head despite Rick's attempts to stop him. The death of Morales and his family leaves Rick, Daryl, and Carol Peletier as the only surviving members of the Atlanta Survivor Camp.