Absolute Horror Wiki
Ed Getley

Ed Getley, played by Richard Domeier, is a character in the film Evil Dead II.

Getley and Annie Knowby return from the dig with the missing pages of the Necronomicon in tow, only to find the destroyed bridge.

They enlist the help of locals Jake and Bobby Joe to guide them along an alternate trail to the cabin. The four of them find an embattled Ash Williams at the cabin. Mistakenly concluding that Ash murdered Annie's parents, they lock him in the cabin's cellar.

The four new arrivals listen to a recording of Raymond Knowby detailing that his wife Henrietta was possessed by the Kandarian Demon, and that he killed her and buried her in the cellar.

Henrietta, now a deadite, possesses Ed and Ash is forced to dismember him with an axe.
