E. J., played by Jason Hervey, is a fictional character in the 1987 film The Monster Squad.
E. J. is a bully, especially towards Horace, who he refers to as "Fat Kid". After school one day he stole a candy bar from Horace and stepped on it. About that time, Rudy showed up and forced E. J. to eat the candy bar, which he did in front of the other students to Horace's delight.
E. J. is later seen locked in a convenience store in the town square during the final confrontation between the Monster Squad and the monsters. He refuses to unlock the door to let Horace in, too afraid to move. After Horace kill the Creature with a shotgun, E. J. finally exits the store, saying "Way to go, Fat Kid." Horace corrects him by saying "My name is Horace."