Dead and Deader (formerly known as House of the Dead 3) is a 2006 American made-for-television zombie comedy horror film directed by Patrick Dinhut. The film stars Dean Cain, Guy Torry, Peter Greene and Susan Ward, with cameos from Armin Shimerman, John Billingsley, and Dean Haglund. It was aired from Sci Fi Channel on December 16, 2006.
After communications to a small medical outpost in Cambodia was cut off, a Special Forces squad is sent to investigate. As they approach the outpost they are attacked by zombies. As the zombies are dispatched, Lieutenant Bobby Quinn survives with heavy injuries. He radios for a medivac airlift, then falls unconscious.
Quinn wakes up on an exam table at Fort Preston army base. The shocked coroner explains that he arrived in a body-bag and had been pronounced DOA. Suddenly feeling a pain in his right arm, Quinn grabs a scalpel and cuts it open. Gushing out of the wound is green blood and a strange scorpion, which he crushes. The incision then rapidly heals, and Quinn finds that he now possesses superhuman strength. He also begins feeling intense hunger that can only be dulled by ingesting raw, red meat and teams up with military chef, Judson.
Quinn and Judson fight their way out of the army base and leaves to find his fellow squad-members. They stop at a small road-side bar and meets Holly, a part-time bartender. The local news had aired a report about the killings at Fort Preston, labeling Quinn and Judson as suspects. The bar patrons lock them inside the cooler. The bar is then attacked by Zombies. Holly frees Quinn and Judson, and they fight their way out.
Quinn eventually learns that a doctor named Dr. Scott plans to use the scorpion venom to revive dead tissues and sell for a profit. Quinn, Holly and Judson follow Dr. Scott back to Fort Preston, where Scott is killed by zombies attempting to extract a scorpion. After destroying the scorpion and killing all of the zombies, Judson, Holly and Quinn escape from the base and leave.
Outside the base, Quinn, Judson and Holly lure zombies toward the armory, blowing it up using a stash of ammunition. They narrowly escape as the base goes up in flames. After making sure no zombies survive, they walk away together.