Dead Rising: Endgame is a 2016 American action horror zombie film directed by Pat Williams and written by Tim Carter and Michael Ferris. The film stars Jesse Metcalfe, Keegan Connor Tracy, Dennis Haysbert, Marie Avgeropoulos, Jessica Harmon, Camille Sullivan and Victor Webster. It is a sequel to the 2015 film Dead Rising: Watchtower. It was released on Crackle on June 20, 2016.
Set between the events of Dead Rising 2 and Dead Rising 3, the story continues where Watchtower left off. Chase catches Lyons crimes on camera; however, his boss refused to broadcast it due to fear the military will come and kill them. Lyons sends his agents to kill Chase; however, Chase escaped. Garth is a skilled zombie killer and video game aficionado who talks a big and crude game to mask his gentle side. Rand is a handsome, cruel scientist who was hired by the government to find a cure for the raging zombie infection but instead is conducting horrendous experiments on the infected making the zombies faster and stronger. Sandra Lowe is a skilled computer hacker and Chase’s on-and-off girlfriend who joins him in his quest to battle the zombie-infested underground and stop General Lyons’ plan. George Hancock is the courageous whistleblower who compels Chase and his team to enter a zombie-infested city on a rescue mission. Jill is a news producer who joins Chase and his intrepid crew to infiltrate a secret laboratory and stop the carnage. Susan Ingot is the CEO of Phenotrans, the manufacturer of Zombrex, the vaccine that keeps the zombie infection at bay. It's reveal that Lyons and Phenotrans were behind the last outbreak at East Mission. Susan fears the military is planning to kill all the infected people and secretly plans unleashed a new zombie virus to stay in business. Phenotrans employees are against Ingot's plot and goes the reporter to disclosed reveal this information and gives her the evidence. Chase and the others discover that Jordan is alive.
Chase and his allies were able to stop the military's plan causing General Lyons to flee.