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Dance With Me Herman

Dance With Me, Herman is an episode of the television series The Munsters. It was written by James Allardice, Tom Adair, Joe Connelly, and Bob Mosher and directed by Joseph Pevney. It first aired February 18, 1965.


Lily finds an invitation inside Marilyn's bureau drawer for a "Parent's Night" taking place at her school. Marilyn says that she didn't mention it as it is a dance party and she knows that Herman isn't a great dancer. Herman finds an ad in the paper about a dance school. Herman goes to the school and has Miss Valentine as his teacher. Herman tells Lily the dance class went so well, that the school director might make him a dance teacher. Miss Valentine has Herman sign a suspicious contract.

Grandpa discovers that the contract is nothing but a fraud, with Herman practically signing his life away. The director finds out that the police will be investigating his business and he thinks Herman could be in on it. He tells Herman he has no talent and tears up the contract. Disappointed, Herman decides to not go to the party, and tells Lily and Marilyn to go without him. Lily agrees, but at the porch she pretends to sprain her ankle so she could stay home with Herman.
