Cthulhu is a 2000 Australian low budget horror film that was directed, produced, and written by Damian Heffernan. It is mostly based on two Lovecraft stories, "The Thing on the Doorstep" and The Shadow Over Innsmouth. It stars Adam Somes as a young student that discovers that his best friend has become involved in a cult intent on raising Cthulhu. It screened at the Melbourne Underground Film Festival, after which point it was purchased by Channel 9 for screening in Australia as part of their Australian content quota obligations. The film was also purchased by Trend Films in Italy for screening via their Satellite Television network.
Dan Upton was an average student at Miskatonic University until he shot his friend Edward Derby, who was a patient at Arkham Asylum. Dan had been tried and sentenced to life at Arkham Penitentiary, but was later found dead in his cell, with only a manuscript to explain his deeds.
In it he details that Edward had begun seeing a new girlfriend, Asenath Waite, who he claimed could take over his body while he slept, part of powers that she gained from taking part in a cult. Things grow worse when Edward is implicated in a series of murders and imprisoned. Dan is brought in to the investigation by Inspector LeGrasse and the two discover that Edward was involved with a cult that worshiped Cthulhu and were intent to use the being's power to their own ends. They enlist the help of one of the university professors, Professor Armitage, to try to stop this from happening, only for this to result in the deaths of both Armitage and LeGrasse. Dan is then horrified to discover that his friend is possessed by Yog Sothoth, which led him to murder Edward.