Chillerama is a 2011 horror comedy anthology film consisting of four stories (or segments) that take place at a drive-in theater playing monster movies. Each segment is a homage to a different genre and style.
The first is "Wadzilla" and was directed and written by Adam Rifkin spoofing 1950s monster movies. The second segment is "I Was a Teenage Werebear" and was directed and written by Tim Sullivan which parodies Rebel Without a Cause, Grease and The Lost Boys and is set in 1962. The third is called "The Diary of Anne Frankenstein" and was directed and written by Adam Green and spoofs Frankenstein and The Diary of Anne Frank. The last segment is "Zom-B-Movie", a spoof of zombie films, and was directed and written by Joe Lynch. Tying each segment of the anthology together is a framing story: a worker for the theater, in a drunken state, digs up his deceased wife's body and attempts oral sex on it, only for her to turn into a zombie and bite his genitals, causing him to slowly turn into a zombie between segments as he is working.
Filming took place in late 2010 and was released at Fantasy Filmfest on August 22, 2011. On September 29, 2011, it was released to video on demand and on DVD and Blu-ray on November 29, 2011.