Bloody Mary is a 2006 horror thriller film written and directed by Richard Valentine and starring Jaason Simmons, Kim Tyler, Matt Borlenghi, and Cory Monteith. The film had a negative critical reception.
The film begins with a group of nurses at a psychiatric hospital daring a fellow nurse, Nicole, to go into the hospital's basement for a game of Bloody Mary. Playing what the others call "The Mirror Game", she releases the vengeful spirit and is snatched away. When Nicole is reported missing, her writer/reporter sister Natalie decides to investigate on her own.
As the film progresses, more people are killed by the spirit of Bloody Mary in gruesome ways while Natalie uncovers clues about the truth behind her sister's disappearance and Mary herself.
Near the end, almost all of the main characters are dead except for Natalie, who discovers that Bloody Mary is actually her mother.