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Black Hearts & Red Blood Dreams is a collection of short stories written by Sara Saint John. It was first published in 2010 by Dark Myth Publications.


Come. Let me take you on a journey into another world.

Let us travel back to the days of fable, where the Harlequin dances as he strives to regain his humanity. Where Beauty meets her Beast-under the Fathers' watchful eyes. Where McCollister tries a blood ritual with a Testament bound in human skin.

Or we can visit the Gallery of the Midnight Heart, where Selena finds that art often imitates life. Alan discovers life might even imitate a DVD, as it does in The Portal.

We can journey back to the days of yore, where we'll learn the real meaning of the word ‘Monster'.

And if we decide to take a side trip through the woods, we must be sure to visit a certain isolated cabin, where the occupants use something other than latex to paint its walls.

These are only a few of the stops we will make in Black Hearts & Red Blood Dreams: Tales of Terror and the Supernatural.

Come. Travel with me, won't you?
