Beasts and Super-Beasts is a collection of short stories written by Saki. The stories were originally published under the name H. H. Munro. It was first published in 1914.
- The She-Wolf
- Laura
- The Boar-Pig
- The Brogue
- The Hen
- The Open Window
- The Treasure-Ship
- The Cobweb
- The Lull
- The Unkindest Blow
- The Romancers
- The Schartz-Metterklume Method
- The Seventh Pullet
- The Blind Spot
- Dusk
- A Touch of Realism
- Cousin Teresa
- The Yarkand Manner
- The Byzantine Omelette
- The Feast of Nemesis
- The Dreamer
- The Quince Tree
- The Forbidden Buzzards
- The Stake
- Clovis on Parental Responsibilities
- A Holiday Task
- The Stalled Ox
- The Story-Teller
- A Defensive Diamond
- The Elk
- 'Down Pens'
- The Name-Day
- The Lumber Room
- Fur
- The Philanthropist and the Happy Cat
- On Approval