All-Star Munster is an episode of the television series The Munsters. It was written by Joe Connelly and Bob Mosher and directed by Earl Bellamy. It first aired January 14, 1965.
Marilyn is sent home from college because her tuition has not been fully paid. Herman goes to talk to the dean, but is mistaken by Coach Roger Denman for college basketball recruit Moose Mallory. Believing he is clearing up the tuition problem, Herman is tricked into signing up.
Coach Denman discovers that it was actually Herman he signed up and not Moose, but he'd rather keep Herman. So when the real Moose and his hick father show up, they are sent home by the Coach. When they see Herman's name in the paper, the family realize that he messed up and Marilyn still can't go back to school. The Mallorys also see the paper and they decide to take out their grievance on Herman. Herman manages to convince the Coach to tear up his contract and sign Moose.