Alisha, portrayed by Juliana Harkavy, is a character in the television series The Walking Dead.
Alisha is a former Army Reserve member who is recruited by Martinez's Camp sometime in the six- to seven-month time span between seasons three and four. She strikes up a friendship with Tara Chambler, which quickly becomes a full-on romantic relationship.
The two remain inseparable once they begin dating; Alisha even flees with Tara, her family, and The Governor after The Governor's insistence that he and the Chamblers leave the camp. However, after encountering a roadblock consisting of walkers stuck waist-deep in mud, The Governor returns the group to Martinez's Camp.
Alisha participates in the attack on the prison ("Too Far Gone"), but is later shot between the eyes by Lizzie Samuels. Her death, along with Lilly's and Meghan's, sends Tara into a state of depression for a long time.